Am 26.08. - 29.08.2021 findet die erste Ausstellung und Buchveröffentlichung von A NEW PATH statt:
Residence On Earth is based on the book Residencia En La Tierra of Pablo Neruda. For him, to be a resident on the earth is to be poetically involved with places, landscapes, people, and things, with struggle, celebration, and loss. With this exhibition and book I want to take you on a visual journey and invite you to enjoy and celebrate our short Residence on Earth.
26.08.2021 Vernissage ab 18 Uhr
27.- 28.08.2021 14:00 - 19:00 Uhr
29.08.2021 Finissage ab 14 Uhr
Rothehaussstraße 38
50823 Köln